About Me


Currently, my primary focus and passion is education. I’m extremely passionate about academics. I’m an undergraduate student at the University of North Texas studying English and Spanish. Prior to attending UNT, I was enrolled at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. I experienced personal, academic, and social success the two years I attended school there. I was the Features and the Associate Editor of The Megaphone, the university’s school newspaper. In addition, I was heavily involved in addressing the negative climate regarding sexual violence within the campus community. I was placed on an administrative committee to revise the current sexual assault policies and examine our current adjudication processes.
My other passions include journalism, photography, and advocacy relating to mental health and survivors of sexual assault. My dream is to eventually work with universities to reform and radically improve their sexual assault policies and adjudication policies.

My primary topic when it comes to my writing and journalism pursuits is mental health.

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