September 26, 2018

Why I'm grateful today, more or less: When I'm constantly finding myself going in and out of dark places, it's easy to lose sight of how gratifying of an existence I'm fortunate enough to have. While my mind forges my reality and only allows me to see the darkness, all around me and inside of... Continue Reading →

September 24, 2018

Why I'm grateful today, more or less: I'm exceptionally prone to existential crises. At least a few times a week I find myself ruminating on the fact that regardless of how you look at it, life- the existence of humans- is ultimately without purpose. The day will come that we will die and the day... Continue Reading →

September 23, 2018

Why I'm grateful today, more or less. The quote accompanying today's journal page cannot be a coincidence. Today, it was my truth. My insomnia decided to make some fierce waves this week. I went two consecutive days without sleeping followed by a few days of two to four hours of restless sleep. My mind, body... Continue Reading →

September 17, 2018

Why I am grateful today, more or less: I wasn't going to write today. I had really made up my mind. I'm exhausted after spending around 12 hours in the car traveling to celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday. But then I realized that today, I really am grateful. I love that I have such a... Continue Reading →

September 13, 2018

Why I am grateful today, more or less: There's this article I've been working on for quite some time now. When I first finished it, it was around 2,500 words. I put my heart and soul into it. I shared trials and tribulations I never thought I would speak of. I pitched it to a... Continue Reading →

Finally Back Home

After spending six months, nearly on the dot, of continuous intensive residential mental health treatment, I am so grateful to say I am finally home with my family. I expected to make this post the moment I walked into my childhood home and sank into the comfortably familiar embosom of the couch. That was on... Continue Reading →

A spiritual encounter with Nature

The assignment was simple: go outside and experience nature. Perhaps it's because I had the intention of noticing my surroundings; but, the moment I cleared the front door nature engaged all five of my senses. My sense of smell was overcome by a rich, earthy aroma. It was so strong I could practically taste it.... Continue Reading →

March 23, 2018

Why I'm grateful today, more or less: I let myself feel my feelings lat night and I stayed safe. Not only did I feel my feelings, I expressed them. I cried for like four hours and I allowed myself to: I didn't shut down. And I survived. Nothing bad happened. Eventually, I calmed down, stopped... Continue Reading →

March 21, 2018

Why I'm grateful today, more or less: Not only am I surrounded by an amazing, competent, empathetic, and compassionate staff of all levels, but also by peers who want nothing more than to be supportive. I shared some of my therapeutic writing with my small group and have never felt so heard, understood, and comfortable with... Continue Reading →

March 18, 2018

Why I'm grateful today, more or less: I have this deep sense of gratitude, I'm just not sure what exactly it is that I'm so grateful for. Today is yet another gorgeous day outside. And it's less windy so it's easier to work outside. I did my laundry this afternoon so I'll have clean clothes... Continue Reading →

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